Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My Family

There are 4 people in my house:

1. I have my sister named Madison. She is ten years old and very nice.
2. I also have a dad named Tom. He is very nice and funny (but he is a very bad back scratcher).
3. I have my mom named Cara. She does most of the house work. I am very thankful.
4. Four would be me. My name is Darcy. I am eight years old.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What's In My Head Today

Today I am home sick with fever and sore throat. These are the things I thought about today.

1. Friendship:
Friendship is very important to people. Some people have very good friends and others don't. Some kids have an ex-bf. Most don't, but it is hard to find nice friends. I have three good friends. They are Sarina, Savanna and Emily. I have two new friends named Mariah and Emma. I met them at school.

2. Swimming:
Swimming is a hard, but fun sport. There are many different strokes like freestyle, butterfly and breaststroke. Most people think learning how to swim is boring, but it's not. I swim on a team. I go every day Monday through Thursday. I swim with my sister, Madison, and her friends Heather, Nikki and Blayne. I swim in their lane because I am pretty good. I am eight and they are all ten years old. Last week my friend Sarina signed up for swimming too. We talk to each other at breaks. She is in a different lane so we talk over the lane lines.

3. Gymnastics:
Gymnastics is another very fun sport, but it is hard. When I first went to gymnastics I was in the beginner group, but a couple of days later I was moved to intermediate. It got harder, but it was still fun. I made new friends and saw old ones at the gym. One of the girls in my school is in the intermediate class too. Her name is Samantha. We go to gymanstics on different days. My teacher's name is Miss Amy. I love my teacher and gymnastics!