Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Oops my bad!

Do you know what 5/0 is? I do. It was a fun ride to learning it.

Today I didn't get a very good grade on my math test so Maddy was helping me. She went a little farther then needed. She did 3 digit %. So when I was turning it to the simplest form I sorta said that 5/0 was 5. Maddy said it was wrong. So i kept saying, "It's 5 its 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5".

Then she said it wasn't, and I said, "It's 5,5,5,5,5,5........oh, wait it's 0. Oops!"
today I have thoughts: Homwork is soooo boring! I can't stand it. everyday we have to read. I am ok with that though. Even though I don't like spending time doing It it's not terrible.