Saturday, April 2, 2011

I can't think of anything to write about! so, if you have any ideas, comment under htis post. Hopefully I'll get some inspiration!



Everybody has friends in their life time. But how does one know if they are truly a friend or if they are just using you? A friend should always be by your side laughing and hanging. You should always be able to talk to one another about anything that's on your mind. I have some friends at school. We are considered, in a way, the "loser's." I will always be their fro them, but will they be their for me? I always though I could count on all my friends at school. They used to always be by my side and now it feels all fake. I had a friend when i was really little, nut know I feel as if we never even talk. I can't even tell whether or not i ditched her or she ditched me. I guess it was both our faults. We both grew apart form one another and found new friends. Even if we don;'t hang out or even talk, really, anymore I miss her, We always had our fights, but nothing ever seemed to brake us apart, What about now? everything is messed up. She had a new group tp hang with. I feel like I lost a huge part of my family. I always thought of her as my sister. I miss her a lot, but there seems to be nothing I can do. I will always miss her. Maybe, It's time to move on?