Thursday, July 7, 2011

Grandma Days!

To everyday people Wednesday so the middle of the week. Its exciting because we have made have way through the week, but its a bad time because your tired and there is still two more days till the weekend. For me a Wednesday is a "Grandma Day." "Grandma Day" is a day where we go up to my grandmas house at 8:00am and take her to her foot doctor appointment. Because it is summer 8:00am is an early time to wake up. So today when we went up to grandmas and got to the foot doctor, my mom, my sister, and my grandma all went into the doctor room while I waited in the waiting room. I was very tired so i decided to stretch out on three chairs and lye down. I put my headphones in and closed my eyes and before I new it I was asleep. when I awoke I heard people talking about me. They were saying things like, "if you have to sleep you have to sleep." or "look at her its already 10:00am she shouldn't be asleep." I pulled my self up and walked to find my mom. when i found them in a room I took one sniff of the air at turned around. the air smelled like dirty feet. I walked back to the waiting room and sat in a chair listening to my music. Finally they came out and we were ready to leave. After the foot doctor we go to the grocery store so grandma can shop. My mom went off to get the meat and my sister stayed and helped out grandma. I snuck off away from then turned up my music and walked and ran down isles with nobody in them danceing and singing to Selena Gomez! After about an hour and a half I saw my mom and grandma at the check out. So I headed over there and helped unpack. When we fnally had gotton grandma settled up stairs in her apartment we headed home. It was an exhausting day!!!