Thursday, July 7, 2011

Grandma Days!

To everyday people Wednesday so the middle of the week. Its exciting because we have made have way through the week, but its a bad time because your tired and there is still two more days till the weekend. For me a Wednesday is a "Grandma Day." "Grandma Day" is a day where we go up to my grandmas house at 8:00am and take her to her foot doctor appointment. Because it is summer 8:00am is an early time to wake up. So today when we went up to grandmas and got to the foot doctor, my mom, my sister, and my grandma all went into the doctor room while I waited in the waiting room. I was very tired so i decided to stretch out on three chairs and lye down. I put my headphones in and closed my eyes and before I new it I was asleep. when I awoke I heard people talking about me. They were saying things like, "if you have to sleep you have to sleep." or "look at her its already 10:00am she shouldn't be asleep." I pulled my self up and walked to find my mom. when i found them in a room I took one sniff of the air at turned around. the air smelled like dirty feet. I walked back to the waiting room and sat in a chair listening to my music. Finally they came out and we were ready to leave. After the foot doctor we go to the grocery store so grandma can shop. My mom went off to get the meat and my sister stayed and helped out grandma. I snuck off away from then turned up my music and walked and ran down isles with nobody in them danceing and singing to Selena Gomez! After about an hour and a half I saw my mom and grandma at the check out. So I headed over there and helped unpack. When we fnally had gotton grandma settled up stairs in her apartment we headed home. It was an exhausting day!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

finally summer

It's finally summer! No more worrying about homework or waking up early. I am finally able to relax, watch some tv, and enjoy my summer. IT'S FINALLY SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

my shopping spree

A couple days ago my friends and I went to a place up in Tampa called Air Heads. Air Heads is a place were you go in and you jump on this huge quilt of trampolines. Sarina, Madison, Heather, Zack and I went to Air Heads and we jumped for and hour and played in the arcade for about thirty minuets. After we finished hanging around we were all starving. Sarina's mom was the one who had taken us and she took us all to international mall. We went to the food court and ate there for about and hour. Then we split up, Madison adn Heather went one way, and Sarina, Zack and i went the other way. Sarina, Zack and I all went over to Claires. When we entered the store we went over to the fake glasses and the sunglasses. We decided to have some fun since Zack had to come too. So Zack and Sarina tried on a bunch of fake glasses. I wanted to keep the memories so I started to take pictures of Zack trying on girl glasses. I took maybe three pictures when a pretty rude sales clerk told us that you cant take picture in the store. So we just hung out a created laughs. Then we moved on to the Disney store. There we dressed Zack up like a girl. Then we went to Justice which was the last store we went to. There we messed around with Zack and took a couple pictures. Then we had to leave the mall and head home. That day was a fun shoppping spree with memories I will never forget.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

I can't think of anything to write about! so, if you have any ideas, comment under htis post. Hopefully I'll get some inspiration!



Everybody has friends in their life time. But how does one know if they are truly a friend or if they are just using you? A friend should always be by your side laughing and hanging. You should always be able to talk to one another about anything that's on your mind. I have some friends at school. We are considered, in a way, the "loser's." I will always be their fro them, but will they be their for me? I always though I could count on all my friends at school. They used to always be by my side and now it feels all fake. I had a friend when i was really little, nut know I feel as if we never even talk. I can't even tell whether or not i ditched her or she ditched me. I guess it was both our faults. We both grew apart form one another and found new friends. Even if we don;'t hang out or even talk, really, anymore I miss her, We always had our fights, but nothing ever seemed to brake us apart, What about now? everything is messed up. She had a new group tp hang with. I feel like I lost a huge part of my family. I always thought of her as my sister. I miss her a lot, but there seems to be nothing I can do. I will always miss her. Maybe, It's time to move on?

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I'm a total Gleek. I love Glee. I feel like I'm actually there when i watch it. It so entertaining to. I love the drama with Finn and Rachel, and Kurt has to live as an out cast. I can't believe he left New Directions either. I hope Blane comes to his senses and he and Kurt go out. Kurt is so lonely, and needs a little excitement in his life. Mr. S is so amazing and i wish he and Emma went out more. I HATE Emma's husband. Not because he's mean or anything, but Emma and Mr. S are so perfect together and i couldn't stand it when Sue got Emma to dump him. Glee is a very entertaining show and watching it gives me a little break from all those childish shows that aren't real and have no point. Glee is a lot of fun, and I love the music they sing. I may be young an you might think that Glee is inappropriate and I should be watching more kid appropriate shows like Wizards of Waverly Place or Suite Life on Deck, and I'm not saying I'll give those shows up i still enjoy them but i also like Glee. I may be only eleven, but I am a GLEEK!!!!!!!!