Tuesday, June 21, 2011

my shopping spree

A couple days ago my friends and I went to a place up in Tampa called Air Heads. Air Heads is a place were you go in and you jump on this huge quilt of trampolines. Sarina, Madison, Heather, Zack and I went to Air Heads and we jumped for and hour and played in the arcade for about thirty minuets. After we finished hanging around we were all starving. Sarina's mom was the one who had taken us and she took us all to international mall. We went to the food court and ate there for about and hour. Then we split up, Madison adn Heather went one way, and Sarina, Zack and i went the other way. Sarina, Zack and I all went over to Claires. When we entered the store we went over to the fake glasses and the sunglasses. We decided to have some fun since Zack had to come too. So Zack and Sarina tried on a bunch of fake glasses. I wanted to keep the memories so I started to take pictures of Zack trying on girl glasses. I took maybe three pictures when a pretty rude sales clerk told us that you cant take picture in the store. So we just hung out a created laughs. Then we moved on to the Disney store. There we dressed Zack up like a girl. Then we went to Justice which was the last store we went to. There we messed around with Zack and took a couple pictures. Then we had to leave the mall and head home. That day was a fun shoppping spree with memories I will never forget.

1 comment:

Gabby said...

Haha! i wish i had a friend thats a boy who would let me and my friends to do that!! Sounds like ya had fun!